Principal's Report

Thank you very much to the Mary MacKillop community parents who have given up time this week and next to contribute to the School Renewal and Improvement Process (SRIP). I do understand that time is our most valuable resource, and you have all taken time from your schedules to comment on the progress of Mary MacKillop Catholic College.
This process is one of 'appreciative inquiry'. Participants in the review (which means Fr Brian, all staff, the parents who have volunteered and the College student leaders) will be asked two questions: 'What is Mary MacKillop Catholic College doing well?', and 'What could Mary MacKillop Catholic College do better?'. The four-person review panel then sifts and distills all responses and aligns them to the four strategic priorities of Toowoomba Catholic Schools. So, by next Thursday, we will have a better idea, as a College, of how our whole community feels about where we are, how we could be better, and crucially we can decide how we are going to continue to improve.
I have already spoken to a number of community members about supporting the development of our next Strategic Plan. The number of students in the College has increased by about 20% since 2021 and we will likely be over 1000 students by the end of next year. That context makes accurate and meaningful feedback of our progress as a school so very important.
The SRIP process is essential for this.
Congratulations to all students and community members involved in Sporting and Arts endeavours over the past two weeks. I was so impressed to watch our 1st XI Girls Soccer in the final of the Red Lion Cup against Centenary Heights SHS. Our students are a very impressive unit and they definitely punch well above their weight. Our junior soccer teams performed exceptionally against strong opposition at Toowoomba Grammar School last week, two of our rugby sides will compete in the semi-finals of the Darling Downs Super Schools Cup next week, and we have had successes too as we prepare for the All Schools Touch competition in October.
Our Arts students have represented Mary MacKillop extremely well. The Marching Band were front and centre at the Ekka yesterday, and the Rock Band will compete in the Queensland Catholic Schools Music Festival at Villanova College this weekend. This is to say nothing of the immense success at the local Eisteddfods! What a great ongoing achievement.
Mr Chris Gabbett
College Principal