Principal's Report

I am so appreciative of the way our students engaged yesterday with the Feast Day of our Patroness, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. I was so proud with the way that they conducted themselves in Mass, and the way that they engaged with all of the activities.
Older students – particularly those in the Senior College – THANKYOU. It makes me so incredibly proud to see the way that you have walked alongside the younger children in our College to help them enjoy their activities.
I explained to the students at the end of the day that we were now building a P-12 legacy, and that what we plan for now will become simply our College's muscle memory in the very near future. It is a daunting but also a really exciting thought. In Toowoomba, we are surrounded by many schools with really rich histories, and it is humbling to know that we are building to join them.
Over the next few weeks, I will be writing to parents to inform them of a few developments. We will be in a position to start advertising the elective and senior subject pathways for senior soon, which is another key step. The evening we held last week promoting our subjects was heavily subscribed, and it was tremendous to see students from years 4-11 identifying their personal interests and pathways to success.
I will also be seeking a deeper consultation into e-learning in the Junior College. We have some great action research happening with Surface Go devices in year four, and if these continue to be as successful as they have been we will seek to phase out the iPads. Please, until you hear from the College leadership, do not purchase a device for year 4 next year.
Next Thursday is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is a Holy Day of Obligation. We are very fortunate that Fr Brian will be saying Mass in the MacKillop Centre at 7:30am for the Parish. Any staff, parents or students who want to attend are welcome.
Thank you very much for the support you as parents and community members have given the College over the past two weeks. As I said to the Parents' Forum this week, the College's role is to assist you in educating your child, not the other way around, and your presence, witness and support offers such amazing impetus to us. It is greatly appreciated.