State & Federal Funding secures new Arts Precinct for Mary MacKillop Catholic College

Works are underway at Mary MacKillop Catholic College to create a new and improved undercover junior lunch area and modern arts facility that will enhance the experience and opportunities for all students at the College.
The Arts Department has been a fast-growing area of the College, with an ever-popular drumline and marching band and growing waitlists for the performance ensembles. With this in mind, and coupled with the growth of the student population in Highfields, the College has secured both State and Commonwealth funding to develop purpose-built areas that will benefit all year levels.

College Principal Chris Gabbett was very pleased to receive confirmation of funding for the Uluru Arts Precinct from the Minister for Education, Grace Grace in December 2021. The Queensland Government have committed just under $1.2 million to complement the $1 million Commonwealth Capital Grants Program funding announced in November 2021 by Garth Hamilton, Federal Member for Groome. This contribution will support the College’s vision of developing state of the art performance and visual arts facilities for the students at the College.
Mr Gabbett said, ‘Our goal at Mary MacKillop is to provide an outstanding and holistic education for our students. Modern and exciting Arts facilities are central to that and I am so appreciative of the State and Federal Government and the Queensland Catholic Education Commission for this support’.
The project is led by Jesse Alroe from the Newlands Group and designed by Lester Ehrlich of Elia Architects. It will include the construction of a new junior lunch covered area, conversion of the existing lunch area into a whole College performance space and auditorium, visual arts, music and drama storerooms, practice rooms and amenities.
The project is due for completion in late 2023.