Mary Mac takes out the South West Queensland Futsal Competition against Downlands.

The Mary MacKillop under 19s all girls team have taken out the title of Australian Futsal Association South West Queensland Champions against Downlands College on Thursday night at The Glennie School.
Starting out in the social competition in 2020, this team of girls have come a long way to become the SWQ Champions this year. Co-captain, Elise Scrivens said “There was a lot of hard work and training involved in getting us to this point. Learning off more confident players and gaining new skills from our coach has really helped us to get to this point”.
Downlands put up a great defence, with their goalkeeper stopping multiple shots from getting past her. Elise said “Their goaly was fantastic and stopped a lot of balls going through.” Ultimately, the Mary Mac team came away with the trophy, winning 3-2, with two goals from Co-Captain Charli and one by team mate Chelsea Brunner.
Fellow Co-Captain Charli Botham was named Player of the Match by Chris McLeod from the Australian Futsal Association. “What I did like about Charli’s game, she didn’t try to win the game by herself, she brought every one of those other girls into the game, she trusted you and then when space opened up, she does her magic. It was no fluke that she was allocated in the Australian Team selection.”, said Mr McLeod at the trophy presentation. The passion Charli has for the sport is evident amongst her teammates too. “Charli is significantly talented; she doesn’t try to play alone and helps to lift everyone in the team to be better players” says Elise.

There’s a real sense of family and community in this team, with 3 groups of siblings playing together as a team that trains for both indoor and outdoor soccer. Sport at Mary MacKillop has notably grown over the past few years and it’s not by accident. Middle Leader of Sport and Student Engagement, Mr Brad Griffiths and his team of coaches have worked hard to give every student the opportunity to find a sport they are passionate about and the proof is in the results. “Looking to the sideline and seeing and hearing the crowd of supporters from students, parents, staff and our Principal, Mr Gabbett is really amazing to see and gives us so much motivation and adrenaline to keep going. And Mrs Frame’s experience and love for the game, and her dance moves definitely spurred us on to win!” says Co-Captain Elise.
Coach, Liz Frame said “It was a real nail biter. The girls played with skill, determination, teamwork and sportswomanship! A couple of these girls are in year 9 and 10, playing up against girls who are much stronger and bigger than them, but they held their own and I am so proud of them”
With the futsal season coming to an end, the team will now join forces with their peers to kick off the outdoor soccer season.