Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and mother-figures in our community!
We are very fortunate at the College to have senior students committed to serving our community. Those students who choose Religion and Ethics as a senior subject commit to completing set hours of Praxis - which in essence is activities applying their learning in the community.
Over the past couple of years we have had a focus on these students preparing our liturgies for key events. So, if you attended the ANZAC Day liturgy you would have participated in something that was student planned and led. Today for Mother's Day was the same - students spend time discerning the most appropriate way to align our Catholic presence and tradition with important events. A special mention to Tom in Year 12 for his thoughtful work on today's liturgy.
Congratulations to Catherine Farlow who won the Mother's Day raffle, put together by the Parent Engagmenet Network and sponsored by Downs Precision Plastering, Reid Consulting Engineers, Fred Voll Plumbing & Gas, The Bungalow & Basket and TriRuning.