Blessing of the Emanuel Solomon Arts Precinct

What a joy it is to formally bless and open the Emanuel Solomon Arts Precinct!
Thank you to Bishop Ken Howell, Sr Diane Phillips rsj, Dr Pat Coughlan and Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office staff, Mr Garth Hamilton MP, Mr Trevor Watts MP, Elia Architecture, Newlands Construction and Reid Consulting Engineers and visiting Principals who joined us today.
The formal opening of the Precinct represents a considerable milestone for Mary MacKillop Catholic College. We are called to bring our students to fullness of life – and key to that fullness is the identification of the spiritual and transcendent that the Arts offers.
Principal Chris Gabbett said, “Investing in the Arts in Catholic schools is about investing in the spiritual dimension of our students. The Church recognizes the importance of art in communicating spiritual truths. Pope Saint John Paul II wrote, ‘In order to communicate the message entrusted to her by Christ, the Church needs art. Art must make perceptible, and as far as possible attractive, the world of the spirit, of the invisible, of God.’ Having such a wonderful facility and such dedicated staff brings us closer to this goal”.