Announcing the 2023 College Leaders
Monday, 05 Dec 2022

The 2023 College Captains took up their first official role at the Year 12 Graduation Mass recently with a beautiful candle lighting ceremony. Since the departure of our year 12 graduates, these new leaders have stepped up to the challenge and we look forward to their official induction in the new year along with their junior counterparts.
The College Captains are as follows:
Title | College Captains |
College Captains
Jezziah Berry and Charlotte Voll
Formation Captain
Elise Scrivens
Academic Captain
Lily Hayes
Sport Captain
Brendan Williams
Cultural Captain
Mia Lewis
Penola Captain
Kyra Bartlett
Cunningham Captain
Charlotte Dobson
Tenison Captain
Caleb Mifsud
McCormack Captain
Bella Stenzel
Junior Leaders
Title | Junior Leaders |
Junior Leaders
Charlotte Oosthuizen and Ted Ford
Sports Leader
Ed Ehrlich
Cultural Leader
Sophilee Condon
Academic Leader
Imogen Petrie
Penola Leaders
Piper York and Alex Burrow
Cunningham Leaders
Thomas Danckwerts and Chelsea Lowein
Tenison Leaders
Susie Bullock and Olivia Ormiston
McCormack Leaders
Cohen Nelder and Malika Stokes